Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R - Figures and Code
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Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R [BibTeX]
Deepayan Sarkar
(part of Springer's Use R series)

This webpage provides access to figures and code from the book. It can be viewed with any standards compliant browser with Javascript and CSS support enabled (IE7 barely manages, IE6 fails miserably). Cookies are optional; if allowed, they will make selections persistent across sessions.

Click on the chapter links for a brief summary and a list of figures, as well as a listing of code from that chapter. Click on the figure links to see the corresponding plots.

Each figure is available in several versions, representing different "themes". Most of the code was written for the black and white theme used in the book. It has been run unchanged with the color themes to produce the color versions. For the most part, the results are acceptable, and generally better in color. In some cases (e.g., Figure 2.7), attempts to write code tuned to the black and white theme has made the color versions less useful than they could have been.


Several R packages are needed to run all the code given here. Some (grid, lattice, and MASS) should already be installed along with R. The remaining ones, along with their dependencies, can be downloaded from CRAN and Bioconductor using the following code snippet:

install.packages(c("latticeExtra", "copula", "ellipse", "gridBase",
                   "locfit", "logspline", "mapproj", "maps", "MEMSS",
                   "mlmRev", "RColorBrewer"))
biocLite(c("flowCore", "flowViz", "hexbin"))

Code access

To download the chapter-wise code files in one go, you can use:

srcdir <- ""
destdir <- "." # modify as desired
chapters <- sprintf("Chapter%02d.R", 1:14)
for (i in chapters)
    download.file(url = paste(srcdir, i, sep = ""),
                  destfile = file.path(destdir, i))

Further documentation

Further documentation on lattice is planned, in the form of short vignettes describing special use-cases and utilities not covered in the book. Such documentation will be available from the lattice website at R-forge

There is also an upcoming online DataCamp course on Data Visualization with lattice.


Page 131
lattice.options(lattice.theme = standard.theme("pdf")) should be lattice.options(default.theme = standard.theme("pdf")).
Page 226
The caption of Figure 12.6 should start with
"Updated form of Figure 12.5, ..." (not 12.6).
Pages 91-94
Figures 6.1 and 6.2 are mislabeled because their code has
cloud(depth ~ lat * long, xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitude", ...)
The correct labels should be xlab="Latitude" and ylab="Longitude".
Page 59
"Table 4.2" should be "Table 4.1".

[Fixed in the second printing]

Page 45
Figure 3.9 has xlab="Standard Normal Quantiles".
This should be xlab="Uniform(0, 1) Quantiles".
Page 109
"Figure 6.4" should be "Figure 6.15".

Extracts from the book



Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

A Technical Overview of lattice

Gives a "big picture" view of the system.

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Visualizing Univariate Distributions

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Displaying Multiway Tables

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Scatter Plots and Extensions

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Trivariate Displays

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Graphical Parameters and Other Settings

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Plot Coordinates and Axis Annotation

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Labels and Legends

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Data Manipulation and Related Topics

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Manipulating the "trellis" object

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

Interacting with Trellis Displays

Topics covered:

Advanced Panel Functions

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

New Trellis Displays

Topics covered:

Click on figure links on the left to see figures.

## Chapter 1 Plain text version data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") xtabs( ~ score, data = Chem97) library("lattice") ## Figure 1.1 histogram(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97) ## Figure 1.2 densityplot(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97, plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE) ## Figure 1.3 densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, groups = score, plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE, auto.key = list(columns = 3)) ## Figure 1.4 tp1 <- histogram(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97) tp2 <- densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, groups = score, plot.points = FALSE, auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "score")) class(tp2) summary(tp1) plot(tp1, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2)) plot(tp2, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), newpage = FALSE)
## Chapter 2 Plain text version data(Oats, package = "MEMSS") ## Figure 2.1 tp1.oats <- xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block, data = Oats, type = 'o') print(tp1.oats) dim(tp1.oats) dimnames(tp1.oats) xtabs(~Variety + Block, data = Oats) summary(tp1.oats) summary(tp1.oats[, 1]) ## Figure 2.2 print(tp1.oats[, 1]) ## Figure 2.3 update(tp1.oats, aspect="xy") ## Figure 2.4 update(tp1.oats, aspect = "xy", layout = c(0, 18)) ## Figure 2.5 update(tp1.oats, aspect = "xy", layout = c(0, 18), between = list(x = c(0, 0, 0.5), y = 0.5)) ## Figure 2.6 dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, barley, layout = c(1, 6), aspect = c(0.7), groups = year, auto.key = list(space = 'right')) ## Figure 2.7 key.variety <- list(space = "right", text = list(levels(Oats$Variety)), points = list(pch = 1:3, col = "black")) xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Block, Oats, aspect = "xy", type = "o", groups = Variety, key = key.variety, lty = 1, pch = 1:3, col.line = "darkgrey", col.symbol = "black", xlab = "Nitrogen concentration (cwt/acre)", ylab = "Yield (bushels/acre)", main = "Yield of three varieties of oats", sub = "A 3 x 4 split plot experiment with 6 blocks") ## Figure 2.8 barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age, data =, groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1), auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2)) ## Figure 2.9 barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age, data =, groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1), auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2), scales = list(x = "free")) ## Figure 2.10 bc.titanic <- barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age,, groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1), auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2), scales = list(x = "free")) update(bc.titanic, panel = function(...) { panel.grid(h = 0, v = -1) panel.barchart(...) }) ## Figure 2.11 update(bc.titanic, panel = function(..., border) { panel.barchart(..., border = "transparent") })
## Chapter 3 Plain text version ## Figure 3.1 densityplot(~ eruptions, data = faithful) ## Figure 3.2 densityplot(~ eruptions, data = faithful, kernel = "rect", bw = 0.2, plot.points = "rug", n = 200) library("latticeExtra") data(gvhd10) ## Figure 3.3 densityplot(~log(FSC.H) | Days, data = gvhd10, plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE, layout = c(2, 4)) ## Figure 3.4 histogram(~log2(FSC.H) | Days, gvhd10, xlab = "log Forward Scatter", type = "density", nint = 50, layout = c(2, 4)) data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") ## Figure 3.5 qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97, f.value = ppoints(100)) ## Figure 3.6 qqmath(~ gcsescore | gender, Chem97, groups = score, aspect = "xy", f.value = ppoints(100), auto.key = list(space = "right"), xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Average GCSE Score") Chem97.mod <- transform(Chem97, gcsescore.trans = gcsescore^2.34) ## Figure 3.7 qqmath(~ gcsescore.trans | gender, Chem97.mod, groups = score, f.value = ppoints(100), aspect = "xy", auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "score"), xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Transformed GCSE Score") library("latticeExtra") ## Figure 3.8 ecdfplot(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97, groups = gender, auto.key = list(columns = 2), subset = gcsescore > 0, xlab = "Average GCSE Score") ## Figure 3.9 qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97, groups = gender, auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2), subset = gcsescore > 0, type = "l", distribution = qunif, prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, aspect = "xy", xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles", ylab = "Average GCSE Score") ## Figure 3.10 qq(gender ~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, f.value = ppoints(100), aspect = 1) ## Figure 3.11 bwplot(factor(score) ~ gcsescore | gender, data = Chem97, xlab = "Average GCSE Score") ## Figure 3.12 bwplot(gcsescore^2.34 ~ gender | factor(score), Chem97, varwidth = TRUE, layout = c(6, 1), ylab = "Transformed GCSE score") ## Figure 3.13 bwplot(Days ~ log(FSC.H), data = gvhd10, xlab = "log(Forward Scatter)", ylab = "Days Past Transplant") ## Figure 3.14 bwplot(Days ~ log(FSC.H), gvhd10, panel = panel.violin, box.ratio = 3, xlab = "log(Forward Scatter)", ylab = "Days Past Transplant") ## Figure 3.15 stripplot(factor(mag) ~ depth, quakes) ## Figure 3.16 stripplot(depth ~ factor(mag), quakes, = TRUE, alpha = 0.6, xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)", ylab = "Depth (km)") ## Figure 3.17 stripplot(sqrt(abs(residuals(lm(yield~variety+year+site)))) ~ site, data = barley, groups = year, = TRUE, auto.key = list(points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2), type = c("p", "a"), fun = median, ylab = expression(abs("Residual Barley Yield")^{1 / 2}))
## Chapter 4 Plain text version VADeaths class(VADeaths) methods("dotplot") ## Figure 4.1 dotplot(VADeaths, groups = FALSE) ## Figure 4.2 dotplot(VADeaths, groups = FALSE, layout = c(1, 4), aspect = 0.7, origin = 0, type = c("p", "h"), main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940", xlab = "Rate (per 1000)") ## Figure 4.3 dotplot(VADeaths, type = "o", auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, space = "right"), main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940", xlab = "Rate (per 1000)") ## Figure 4.4 barchart(VADeaths, groups = FALSE, layout = c(1, 4), aspect = 0.7, reference = FALSE, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940", xlab = "Rate (per 100)") data(postdoc, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 4.5 barchart(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), xlab = "Proportion", auto.key = list(adj = 1)) ## Figure 4.6 dotplot(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), groups = FALSE, xlab = "Proportion", par.strip.text = list(abbreviate = TRUE, minlength = 10)) ## Figure 4.7 dotplot(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), groups = FALSE, index.cond = function(x, y) median(x), xlab = "Proportion", layout = c(1, 5), aspect = 0.6, scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", rot = 0)), prepanel = function(x, y) { list(ylim = levels(reorder(y, x))) }, panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.dotplot(x, reorder(y, x), ...) }) data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") <- xtabs(~gcsescore + gender, Chem97) gcsescore.df <- gcsescore.df$gcsescore <- as.numeric(as.character(gcsescore.df$gcsescore)) ## Figure 4.8 xyplot(Freq ~ gcsescore | gender, data = gcsescore.df, type = "h", layout = c(1, 2), xlab = "Average GCSE Score") <- xtabs(~score + gender, Chem97) score.df <- ## Figure 4.9 barchart(Freq ~ score | gender, score.df, origin = 0)
## Chapter 5 Plain text version ## Figure 5.1 xyplot(lat ~ long | cut(depth, 2), data = quakes) ## Figure 5.2 xyplot(lat ~ long | cut(depth, 3), data = quakes, aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2, type = c("p", "g"), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, = "Depth")) ## Figure 5.3 xyplot(lat ~ long, data = quakes, aspect = "iso", groups = cut(depth, breaks = quantile(depth, ppoints(4, 1))), auto.key = list(columns = 3, title = "Depth"), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude") depth.col <- gray.colors(100)[cut(quakes$depth, 100, label = FALSE)] depth.ord <- rev(order(quakes$depth)) ## Figure 5.4 xyplot(lat ~ long, data = quakes[depth.ord, ], aspect = "iso", type = c("p", "g"), col = "black", pch = 21, fill = depth.col[depth.ord], cex = 2, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude") quakes$Magnitude <- equal.count(quakes$mag, 4) summary(quakes$Magnitude) quakes$color <- depth.col quakes.ordered <- quakes[depth.ord, ] ## Figure 5.5 xyplot(lat ~ long | Magnitude, data = quakes.ordered, col = "black", aspect = "iso", fill.color = quakes.ordered$color, cex = 2, panel = function(x, y, fill.color, ..., subscripts) { fill <- fill.color[subscripts] panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 21, fill = fill, ...) }, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude") depth.breaks <- do.breaks(range(quakes.ordered$depth), 50) quakes.ordered$color <- level.colors(quakes.ordered$depth, at = depth.breaks, col.regions = gray.colors) ## Figure 5.6 xyplot(lat ~ long | Magnitude, data = quakes.ordered, aspect = "iso", groups = color, cex = 2, col = "black", panel = function(x, y, groups, ..., subscripts) { fill <- groups[subscripts] panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 21, fill = fill, ...) }, legend = list(right = list(fun = draw.colorkey, args = list(key = list(col = gray.colors, at = depth.breaks), draw = FALSE))), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude") types.plain <- c("p", "l", "o", "r", "g", "s", "S", "h", "a", "smooth") types.horiz <- c("s", "S", "h", "a", "smooth") horiz <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(length(types.plain), length(types.horiz))) types <- c(types.plain, types.horiz) set.seed(2007041) x <- sample(seq(-10, 10, length = 15), 30, TRUE) y <- x + 0.25 * (x + 1)^2 + rnorm(length(x), sd = 5) ## Figure 5.7 xyplot(y ~ x | gl(1, length(types)), xlab = "type", ylab = list(c("horizontal=TRUE", "horizontal=FALSE"), y = c(1/6, 4/6)), as.table = TRUE, layout = c(5, 3), between = list(y = c(0, 1)), strip = function(...) { panel.fill(trellis.par.get("strip.background")$col[1]) type <- types[panel.number()] grid.text(lab = sprintf('"%s"', type), x = 0.5, y = 0.5) grid.rect() }, scales = list(alternating = c(0, 2), tck = c(0, 0.7), draw = FALSE), par.settings = list(layout.widths = list(strip.left = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))), panel = function(...) { type <- types[panel.number()] horizontal <- horiz[panel.number()] panel.xyplot(..., type = type, horizontal = horizontal) })[rep(1, length(types))] data(Earthquake, package = "MEMSS") ## Figure 5.8 xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake, panel = function(...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.xyplot(...) panel.loess(...) }, xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)") ## Figure 5.9 xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake, type = c("g", "p", "smooth"), scales = list(log = 2), xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)") library("locfit") Earthquake$Magnitude <- equal.count(Earthquake$Richter, 3, overlap = 0.1) coef <- coef(lm(log2(accel) ~ log2(distance), data = Earthquake)) ## Figure 5.10 xyplot(accel ~ distance | Magnitude, data = Earthquake, scales = list(log = 2), col.line = "grey", lwd = 2, panel = function(...) { panel.abline(reg = coef) panel.locfit(...) }, xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)") data(SeatacWeather, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 5.11 xyplot(min.temp + max.temp + precip ~ day | month, ylab = "Temperature and Rainfall", data = SeatacWeather, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "black") maxp <- max(SeatacWeather$precip, na.rm = TRUE) ## Figure 5.12 xyplot(min.temp + max.temp + I(80 * precip / maxp) ~ day | month, data = SeatacWeather, lty = 1, col = "black", ylab = "Temperature and Rainfall", type = c("l", "l", "h"), distribute.type = TRUE) ## Figure 5.13 update(trellis.last.object(), ylab = "Temperature (Fahrenheit) \n and Rainfall (inches)", panel = function(...) { panel.xyplot(...) if (panel.number() == 2) { at <- pretty(c(0, maxp)) panel.axis("right", half = FALSE, at = at * 80 / maxp, labels = at) } }) library("hexbin") data(gvhd10, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 5.14 xyplot(asinh(SSC.H) ~ asinh(FL2.H) | Days, gvhd10, aspect = 1, panel = panel.hexbinplot, .aspect.ratio = 1, trans = sqrt) ## Figure 5.15 splom(USArrests) ## Figure 5.16 splom(~USArrests[c(3, 1, 2, 4)] | state.region, pscales = 0, type = c("g", "p", "smooth")) ## Figure 5.17 splom(~data.frame(mpg, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec), data = mtcars, groups = cyl, pscales = 0, varnames = c("Miles\nper\ngallon", "Displacement\n(cu. in.)", "Gross\nhorsepower", "Rear\naxle\nratio", "Weight", "1/4 mile\ntime"), auto.key = list(columns = 3, title = "Number of Cylinders")) ## Figure 5.18 parallel(~mtcars[c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)] | factor(cyl), mtcars, groups = carb, key = simpleKey(levels(factor(mtcars$carb)), points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, space = "top", columns = 3), layout = c(3, 1)) data(gvhd10, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 5.19 parallel(~ asinh(gvhd10[c(3, 2, 4, 1, 5)]), data = gvhd10, subset = Days == "13", alpha = 0.01, lty = 1)
## Chapter 6 Plain text version quakes$Magnitude <- equal.count(quakes$mag, 4) ## Figure 6.1 cloud(depth ~ lat * long | Magnitude, data = quakes, zlim = rev(range(quakes$depth)), screen = list(z = 105, x = -70), panel.aspect = 0.75, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = "Depth") ## Figure 6.2 cloud(depth ~ lat * long | Magnitude, data = quakes, zlim = rev(range(quakes$depth)), panel.aspect = 0.75, screen = list(z = 80, x = -70), zoom = 0.7, scales = list(z = list(arrows = FALSE, distance = 2)), xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = list("Depth\n(km)", rot = 90)) p <- cloud(depth ~ long + lat, quakes, zlim = c(690, 30), pch = ".", cex = 1.5, zoom = 1, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")), scales = list(draw = FALSE)) npanel <- 4 rotz <- seq(-30, 30, length = npanel) roty <- c(3, 0) ## Figure 6.3 update(p[rep(1, 2 * npanel)], layout = c(2, npanel), panel = function(..., screen) { crow <- current.row() ccol <- current.column(), screen = list(z = rotz[crow], x = -60, y = roty[ccol])) }) <- data.frame(name =, long =$x, lat =$y, area = state.x77[, "Area"], population = 1000 * state.x77[, "Population"])$density <- with(, population / area) ## Figure 6.4 cloud(density ~ long + lat,, subset = !(name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii")), type = "h", lwd = 2, zlim = c(0, max($density)), scales = list(arrows = FALSE)) library("maps") <- map("state", plot=FALSE, fill = FALSE) panel.3dmap <- function(..., rot.mat, distance, xlim, ylim, zlim, xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled) { scaled.val <- function(x, original, scaled) { scaled[1] + (x - original[1]) * diff(scaled) / diff(original) } m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(scaled.val($x, xlim, xlim.scaled), scaled.val($y, ylim, ylim.scaled), zlim.scaled[1]), rot.mat, distance) panel.lines(m[1,], m[2,], col = "grey76") } ## Figure 6.5 cloud(density ~ long + lat,, subset = !(name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii")), = function(...) { panel.3dmap(...) panel.3dscatter(...) }, type = "h", scales = list(draw = FALSE), zoom = 1.1, xlim =$range[1:2], ylim =$range[3:4], xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, aspect = c(diff($range[3:4]) / diff($range[1:2]), 0.3), panel.aspect = 0.75, lwd = 2, screen = list(z = 30, x = -60), par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"), box.3d = list(col = "transparent", alpha = 0))) data(Cars93, package = "MASS") cor.Cars93 <- cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair") data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") Chem97$gcd <- with(Chem97, cut(gcsescore, breaks = quantile(gcsescore, ppoints(11, a = 1)))) ChemTab <- xtabs(~ score + gcd + gender, Chem97) ChemTabDf <- env <- environmental env$ozone <- env$ozone^(1/3) env$Radiation <- equal.count(env$radiation, 4) ## Figure 6.6 cloud(ozone ~ wind + temperature | Radiation, env) ## Figure 6.7 splom(env[1:4]) fm1.env <- lm(ozone ~ radiation * temperature * wind, env) fm2.env <- loess(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env, span = 0.75, degree = 1) fm3.env <- loess(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env, parametric = c("radiation", "wind"), span = 0.75, degree = 2) library("locfit") fm4.env <- locfit(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env) w.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(wind), 50)) t.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(temperature), 50)) r.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(radiation), 3)) grid <- expand.grid(wind = w.mesh, temperature = t.mesh, radiation = r.mesh) grid[["fit.linear"]] <- predict(fm1.env, newdata = grid) grid[["fit.loess.1"]] <- as.vector(predict(fm2.env, newdata = grid)) grid[["fit.loess.2"]] <- as.vector(predict(fm3.env, newdata = grid)) grid[["fit.locfit"]] <- predict(fm4.env, newdata = grid) ## Figure 6.8 wireframe(fit.linear + fit.loess.1 + fit.loess.2 + fit.locfit ~ wind * temperature | radiation, grid, outer = TRUE, shade = TRUE, zlab = "") ## Figure 6.9 levelplot(fit.linear + fit.loess.1 + fit.loess.2 + fit.locfit ~ wind * temperature | radiation, data = grid) ## Figure 6.10 contourplot(fit.locfit ~ wind * temperature | radiation, data = grid, aspect = 0.7, layout = c(1, 4), cuts = 15, = "align") ## Figure 6.11 levelplot(volcano) contourplot(volcano, cuts = 20, label = FALSE) wireframe(volcano, panel.aspect = 0.7, zoom = 1, lwd = 0.01) data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") Chem97$gcd <- with(Chem97, cut(gcsescore, breaks = quantile(gcsescore, ppoints(11, a = 1)))) ChemTab <- xtabs(~ score + gcd + gender, Chem97) ChemTabDf <- data(Cars93, package = "MASS") cor.Cars93 <- cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair") ## Figure 6.12 levelplot(cor.Cars93, scales = list(x = list(rot = 90))) ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(cor.Cars93)))) ## Figure 6.13 levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 20), scales = list(x = list(rot = 90))) <- pretty(range(sqrt(ChemTabDf$Freq))) ## Figure 6.14 levelplot(sqrt(Freq) ~ score * gcd | gender, ChemTabDf, shrink = c(0.7, 1), colorkey = list(labels = list(at =, labels =^2)), aspect = "iso") library("latticeExtra") ## Figure 6.15 cloud(Freq ~ score * gcd | gender, data = ChemTabDf, screen = list(z = -40, x = -25), zoom = 1.1, col.facet = "grey", xbase = 0.6, ybase = 0.6, par.settings = list(box.3d = list(col = "transparent")), aspect = c(1.5, 0.75), panel.aspect = 0.75, = panel.3dbars) library("copula") grid <- expand.grid(u = do.breaks(c(0.01, 0.99), 25), v = do.breaks(c(0.01, 0.99), 25)) grid$frank <- with(grid, dcopula(frankCopula(2), cbind(u, v))) grid$gumbel <- with(grid, dcopula(gumbelCopula(1.2), cbind(u, v))) grid$normal <- with(grid, dcopula(normalCopula(.4), cbind(u, v))) grid$t <- with(grid, dcopula(tCopula(0.4), cbind(u, v))) ## Figure 6.16 wireframe(frank + gumbel + normal + t ~ u * v, grid, outer = TRUE, zlab = "", screen = list(z = -30, x = -50), lwd = 0.01) ## Figure 6.17 wireframe(frank + gumbel + normal + t ~ u * v, grid, outer = TRUE, zlab = "", screen = list(z = -30, x = -50), scales = list(z = list(log = TRUE)), lwd = 0.01) kx <- function(u, v) cos(u) * (r + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v) - sin(u/2) * sin(2*t*v)) ky <- function(u, v) sin(u) * (r + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v) - sin(u/2) * sin(2*t*v)) kz <- function(u, v) sin(u/2) * sin(t*v) + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v) n <- 50 u <- seq(0.3, 1.25, length = n) * 2 * pi v <- seq(0, 1, length = n) * 2 * pi um <- matrix(u, length(u), length(u)) vm <- matrix(v, length(v), length(v), byrow = TRUE) r <- 2 t <- 1 ## Figure 6.18 wireframe(kz(um, vm) ~ kx(um, vm) + ky(um, vm), shade = TRUE, screen = list(z = 170, x = -60), alpha = 0.75, panel.aspect = 0.6, aspect = c(1, 0.4)) data(USAge.df, package = "latticeExtra") str(USAge.df) library("RColorBrewer") brewer.div <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"), interpolate = "spline") ## Figure 6.19 levelplot(Population ~ Year * Age | Sex, data = USAge.df, cuts = 199, col.regions = brewer.div(200), aspect = "iso")
## Chapter 7 Plain text version vad.plot <- dotplot(reorder(Var2, Freq) ~ Freq | Var1, data =, origin = 0, type = c("p", "h"), main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940", xlab = "Number of deaths per 100") ## Figure 7.1 vad.plot dot.line.settings <- trellis.par.get("dot.line") str(dot.line.settings) dot.line.settings$col <- "transparent" trellis.par.set("dot.line", dot.line.settings) plot.line.settings <- trellis.par.get("plot.line") str(plot.line.settings) plot.line.settings$lwd <- 2 trellis.par.set("plot.line", plot.line.settings) ## Figure 7.2 vad.plot panel.dotline <- function(x, y, col = dot.symbol$col, pch = dot.symbol$pch, cex = dot.symbol$cex, alpha = dot.symbol$alpha, col.line = plot.line$col, lty = plot.line$lty, lwd = plot.line$lwd, alpha.line = plot.line$alpha, ...) { dot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("dot.symbol") plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line") panel.segments(0, y, x, y, col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha.line) panel.points(x, y, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex, alpha = alpha) } trellis.par.set(dot.line = dot.line.settings, plot.line = plot.line.settings) trellis.par.set(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"), plot.line = list(lwd = 2)) trellis.par.set(list(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"), plot.line = list(lwd = 2))) ## Figure 7.2 (alternative) update(vad.plot, par.settings = list(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"), plot.line = list(lwd = 2))) tp <- trellis.par.get() unusual <- c("", "fontsize", "clip", "axis.components", "layout.heights", "layout.widths") for (u in unusual) tp[[u]] <- NULL <- lapply(tp, names) unames <- sort(unique(unlist( ans <- matrix(0, nrow = length(, ncol = length(unames)) rownames(ans) <- names( colnames(ans) <- unames for (i in seq(along = ans[i, ] <- as.numeric(unames %in%[[i]]) ans <- ans[, order(-colSums(ans))] ans <- ans[order(rowSums(ans)), ] ans[ans == 0] <- NA ## Figure 7.3 levelplot(t(ans), colorkey = FALSE, scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)), panel = function(x, y, z, ...) { panel.abline(v = unique(as.numeric(x)), h = unique(as.numeric(y)), col = "darkgrey") panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 16 * z, ...) }, xlab = "Graphical parameters", ylab = "Setting names") ## Figure 7.4 show.settings()
## Chapter 8 Plain text version ## Figure 8.1 stripplot(depth ~ factor(mag), data = quakes, = TRUE, scales = list(y = "free", rot = 0), prepanel = function(x, y, ...) list(ylim = rev(range(y))), xlab = "Magnitude (Richter scale)") data(biocAccess, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 8.2 xyplot(counts/1000 ~ time | equal.count(as.numeric(time), 9, overlap = 0.1), biocAccess, type = "l", aspect = "xy", strip = FALSE, ylab = "Numer of accesses (thousands)", xlab = "", scales = list(x = list(relation = "sliced", axs = "i"), y = list(alternating = FALSE))) data(Earthquake, package = "MEMSS") ## Figure 8.3 xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake, prepanel = prepanel.loess, aspect = "xy", type = c("p", "g", "smooth"), scales = list(log = 2), xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)") yscale.components.log2 <- function(...) { ans <- yscale.components.default(...) ans$right <- ans$left ans$left$labels$labels <- parse(text = ans$left$labels$labels) ans$right$labels$labels <- MASS::fractions(2^(ans$right$labels$at)) ans } logTicks <- function (lim, loc = c(1, 5)) { ii <- floor(log10(range(lim))) + c(-1, 2) main <- 10^(ii[1]:ii[2]) r <- as.numeric(outer(loc, main, "*")) r[lim[1] <= r & r <= lim[2]] } xscale.components.log2 <- function(lim, ...) { ans <- xscale.components.default(lim = lim, ...) <- logTicks(2^lim, loc = c(1, 3)) ans$bottom$ticks$at <- log(, 2) ans$bottom$labels$at <- log(, 2) ans$bottom$labels$labels <- as.character( ans } ## Figure 8.4 xyplot(accel ~ distance | cut(Richter, c(4.9, 5.5, 6.5, 7.8)), data = Earthquake, type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(log = 2, y = list(alternating = 3)), xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)", xscale.components = xscale.components.log2, yscale.components = yscale.components.log2) xscale.components.log10 <- function(lim, ...) { ans <- xscale.components.default(lim = lim, ...) <- logTicks(10^lim, loc = 1:9) <- logTicks(10^lim, loc = 1) major <- %in% ans$bottom$ticks$at <- log(, 10) ans$bottom$ticks$tck <- ifelse(major, 1.5, 0.75) ans$bottom$labels$at <- log(, 10) ans$bottom$labels$labels <- as.character( ans$bottom$labels$labels[!major] <- "" ans$bottom$labels$check.overlap <- FALSE ans } ## Figure 8.5 xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake, prepanel = prepanel.loess, aspect = "xy", type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(log = 10), xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)", ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)", xscale.components = xscale.components.log10) axis.CF <- function(side, ...) { if (side == "right") { F2C <- function(f) 5 * (f - 32) / 9 C2F <- function(c) 32 + 9 * c / 5 ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim prettyF <- pretty(ylim) prettyC <- pretty(F2C(ylim)) panel.axis(side = side, outside = TRUE, at = prettyF, tck = 5, line.col = "grey65", text.col = "grey35") panel.axis(side = side, outside = TRUE, at = C2F(prettyC), labels = as.character(prettyC), tck = 1, line.col = "black", text.col = "black") } else axis.default(side = side, ...) } ## Figure 8.6 xyplot(nhtemp ~ time(nhtemp), aspect = "xy", type = "o", scales = list(y = list(alternating = 2, tck = c(1, 5))), axis = axis.CF, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Temperature", main = "Yearly temperature in New Haven, CT", key = list(text = list(c("(Celcius)", "(Fahrenheit)"), col = c("black", "grey35")), columns = 2))
## Chapter 9 Plain text version data(Cars93, package = "MASS") table(Cars93$Cylinders) sup.sym <- Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol"), 1:5) str(sup.sym) ## Figure 9.1 xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price), data = Cars93, groups = Cylinders, subset = Cylinders != "rotary", scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)), xlab = "Engine Size (litres)", ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)", key = list(text = list(levels(Cars93$Cylinders)[1:5]), points = sup.sym, space = "right")) ## Figure 9.1 (alternative, using auto.key) xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price), data = Cars93, groups = Cylinders, subset = Cylinders != "rotary", scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)), xlab = "Engine Size (litres)", ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)", auto.key = list(text = levels(Cars93$Cylinders)[1:5], space = "right", points = TRUE)) ## Figure 9.1 (yet another alternative, using drop=TRUE) xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price), data = subset(Cars93, Cylinders != "rotary"), groups = Cylinders[, drop = TRUE], scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)), xlab = "Engine Size (litres)", ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)", auto.key = list(space = "right")) my.pch <- c(21:25, 20) my.fill <- c("transparent", "grey", "black") ## Figure 9.2 with(Cars93, xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize, scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)), panel = function(x, y, ..., subscripts) { pch <- my.pch[Cylinders[subscripts]] fill <- my.fill[AirBags[subscripts]] panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch, fill = fill, col = "black") }, key = list(space = "right", adj = 1, text = list(levels(Cylinders)), points = list(pch = my.pch), text = list(levels(AirBags)), points = list(pch = 21, fill = my.fill), rep = FALSE))) hc1 <- hclust(dist(USArrests, method = "canberra")) hc1 <- as.dendrogram(hc1) ord.hc1 <- order.dendrogram(hc1) hc2 <- reorder(hc1, state.region[ord.hc1]) ord.hc2 <- order.dendrogram(hc2) library(latticeExtra) region.colors <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")$col ## Figure 9.3 levelplot(t(scale(USArrests))[, ord.hc2], scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)), colorkey = FALSE, legend = list(right = list(fun = dendrogramGrob, args = list(x = hc2, ord = ord.hc2, side = "right", size = 10, size.add = 0.5, add = list(rect = list(col = "transparent", fill = region.colors[state.region])), type = "rectangle"))))
## Chapter 10 Plain text version Titanic1 <-[, , "Adult" ,])) Titanic1 ## Figure 10.1 barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex, Titanic1, groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2)) Titanic2 <- reshape(Titanic1, direction = "wide", v.names = "Freq", idvar = c("Class", "Sex"), timevar = "Survived") names(Titanic2) <- c("Class", "Sex", "Dead", "Alive") Titanic2 ## Figure 10.2 barchart(Class ~ Dead + Alive | Sex, Titanic2, stack = TRUE, auto.key = list(columns = 2)) data(Gcsemv, package = "mlmRev") ## Figure 10.3 xyplot(written ~ course | gender, data = Gcsemv, type = c("g", "p", "smooth"), xlab = "Coursework score", ylab = "Written exam score", panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.rug(x = x[], y = y[]) }) ## Figure 10.4 qqmath( ~ written + course, Gcsemv, type = c("p", "g"), outer = TRUE, groups = gender, auto.key = list(columns = 2), f.value = ppoints(200), ylab = "Score") set.seed(20051028) x1 <- rexp(2000) x1 <- x1[x1 > 1] x2 <- rexp(1000) str(make.groups(x1, x2)) ## Figure 10.5 qqmath(~ data, make.groups(x1, x2), groups = which, distribution = qexp, aspect = "iso", type = c('p', 'g')) str(beaver1) str(beaver2) beavers <- make.groups(beaver1, beaver2) str(beavers) beavers$hour <- with(beavers, time %/% 100 + 24*(day - 307) + (time %% 100)/60) ## Figure 10.6 xyplot(temp ~ hour | which, data = beavers, groups = activ, auto.key = list(text = c("inactive", "active"), columns = 2), xlab = "Time (hours)", ylab = "Body Temperature (C)", scales = list(x = list(relation = "sliced"))) data(USAge.df, package = "latticeExtra") head(USAge.df) ## Figure 10.7 xyplot(Population ~ Age | factor(Year), USAge.df, groups = Sex, type = c("l", "g"), auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2), aspect = "xy", ylab = "Population (millions)", subset = Year %in% seq(1905, 1975, by = 10)) ## Figure 10.8 xyplot(Population ~ Year | factor(Age), USAge.df, groups = Sex, type = "l", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, layout = c(1, 3), ylab = "Population (millions)", auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2), subset = Age %in% c(0, 10, 20)) ## Figure 10.9 xyplot(Population ~ Year | factor(Year - Age), USAge.df, groups = Sex, subset = (Year - Age) %in% 1894:1905, type = c("g", "l"), ylab = "Population (millions)", auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2)) ## Figure 10.10 xyplot(stations ~ mag, quakes, jitter.x = TRUE, type = c("p", "smooth"), xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)", ylab = "Number of stations reporting") quakes$Mag <- equal.count(quakes$mag, number = 10, overlap = 0.2) summary(quakes$Mag) as.character(levels(quakes$Mag)) ps.mag <- plot(quakes$Mag, ylab = "Level", xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)") bwp.quakes <- bwplot(stations ~ Mag, quakes, xlab = "Magnitude", ylab = "Number of stations reporting") ## Figure 10.11 plot(bwp.quakes, position = c(0, 0, 1, 0.65)) plot(ps.mag, position = c(0, 0.65, 1, 1), newpage = FALSE) ## Figure 10.12 bwplot(sqrt(stations) ~ Mag, quakes, scales = list(x = list(limits = as.character(levels(quakes$Mag)), rot = 60)), xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)", ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations"))) ## Figure 10.13 qqmath(~ sqrt(stations) | Mag, quakes, type = c("p", "g"), pch = ".", cex = 3, prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, aspect = "xy", strip = strip.custom(strip.levels = TRUE, strip.names = FALSE), xlab = "Standard normal quantiles", ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations"))) ## Figure 10.14 xyplot(sqrt(stations) ~ mag, quakes, cex = 0.6, panel = panel.bwplot, horizontal = FALSE, box.ratio = 0.05, xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)", ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations"))) state.density <- data.frame(name =, area = state.x77[, "Area"], population = state.x77[, "Population"], region = state.region) state.density$density <- with(state.density, population / area) ## Figure 10.15 dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ density, state.density, xlab = "Population Density (thousands per square mile)") state.density$Density <- shingle(state.density$density, intervals = rbind(c(0, 0.2), c(0.2, 1))) ## Figure 10.16 dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ density | Density, state.density, strip = FALSE, layout = c(2, 1), levels.fos = 1:50, scales = list(x = "free"), between = list(x = 0.5), xlab = "Population Density (thousands per square mile)", par.settings = list(layout.widths = list(panel = c(2, 1)))) cutAndStack <- function(x, number = 6, overlap = 0.1, type = 'l', xlab = "Time", ylab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...) { time <- if (is.ts(x)) time(x) else seq_along(x) Time <- equal.count(as.numeric(time), number = number, overlap = overlap) xyplot(as.numeric(x) ~ time | Time, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, default.scales = list(x = list(relation = "free"), y = list(relation = "free")), ...) } ## Figure 10.17 cutAndStack(EuStockMarkets[, "DAX"], aspect = "xy", scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE), y = list(rot = 0))) bdp1 <- dotplot(as.character(variety) ~ yield | as.character(site), barley, groups = year, layout = c(1, 6), auto.key = list(space = "top", columns = 2), ## strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, aspect = "fill") bdp2 <- dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, barley, groups = year, layout = c(1, 6), auto.key = list(space = "top", columns = 2), ## strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE) aspect = "fill") ## Figure 10.18 plot(bdp1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1)) plot(bdp2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), newpage = FALSE) state.density <- data.frame(name =, area = state.x77[, "Area"], population = state.x77[, "Population"], region = state.region) state.density$density <- with(state.density, population / area) ## Figure 10.19 dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ 1000 * density, state.density, scales = list(x = list(log = 10)), xlab = "Density (per square mile)") state.density$region <- with(state.density, reorder(region, density, median)) state.density$name <- with(state.density, reorder(reorder(name, density), as.numeric(region))) ## Figure 10.20 dotplot(name ~ 1000 * density | region, state.density, strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, layout = c(1, 4), scales = list(x = list(log = 10), y = list(relation = "free")), xlab = "Density (per square mile)") library("latticeExtra") ## Figure 10.21 resizePanels() data(USCancerRates, package = "latticeExtra") ## Figure 10.22 xyplot(rate.male ~ rate.female | state, USCancerRates, aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2, index.cond = function(x, y) { median(y - x, na.rm = TRUE) }, scales = list(log = 2, at = c(75, 150, 300, 600)), panel = function(...) { panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1) panel.abline(0, 1) panel.xyplot(...) }) strip.style4 <- function(..., style) { strip.default(..., style = 4) } data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") ## Figure 10.23 qqmath(~gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, groups = gender, type = c("l", "g"), aspect = "xy", auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2), f.value = ppoints(100), strip = strip.style4, xlab = "Standard normal quantiles", ylab = "Average GCSE score") strip.combined <- function(which.given, which.panel, factor.levels, ...) { if (which.given == 1) { panel.rect(0, 0, 1, 1, col = "grey90", border = 1) panel.text(x = 0, y = 0.5, pos = 4, lab = factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]]) } if (which.given == 2) { panel.text(x = 1, y = 0.5, pos = 2, lab = factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]]) } } ## Figure 10.24 qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score) + gender, Chem97, f.value = ppoints(100), type = c("l", "g"), aspect = "xy", strip = strip.combined, par.strip.text = list(lines = 0.5), xlab = "Standard normal quantiles", ylab = "Average GCSE score") morris <- barley$site == "Morris" barley$year[morris] <- ifelse(barley$year[morris] == "1931", "1932", "1931") ## Figure 10.25 stripplot(sqrt(abs(residuals(lm(yield ~ variety+year+site)))) ~ site, data = barley, groups = year, = TRUE, auto.key = list(points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2), type = c("p", "a"), fun = median, ylab = expression(abs("Residual Barley Yield")^{1 / 2}))
## Chapter 11 Plain text version methods(class = "trellis") methods(class = "shingle") methods(generic.function = "barchart") dp.uspe <- dotplot(t(USPersonalExpenditure), groups = FALSE, index.cond = function(x, y) median(x), layout = c(1, 5), type = c("p", "h"), xlab = "Expenditure (billion dollars)") dp.uspe.log <- dotplot(t(USPersonalExpenditure), groups = FALSE, index.cond = function(x, y) median(x), layout = c(1, 5), scales = list(x = list(log = 2)), xlab = "Expenditure (billion dollars)") ## Figure 11.1 plot(dp.uspe, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE) plot(dp.uspe.log, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE) state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region, state$ <- with(state, reorder(reorder(, Frost), as.numeric(state.region))) dpfrost <- dotplot( ~ Frost | reorder(state.region, Frost), data = state, layout = c(1, 4), scales = list(y = list(relation = "free"))) summary(dpfrost) ## Figure 11.2 plot(dpfrost, panel.height = list(x = c(16, 13, 9, 12), unit = "null")) ## Figure 11.3 update(trellis.last.object(), layout = c(1, 1))[2] npanel <- 12 rot <- list(z = seq(0, 30, length = npanel), x = seq(0, -80, length = npanel)) quakeLocs <- cloud(depth ~ long + lat, quakes, pch = ".", cex = 1.5, panel = function(..., screen) { pn <- panel.number(), screen = list(z = rot$z[pn], x = rot$x[pn])) }, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL, scales = list(draw = FALSE), zlim = c(690, 30), par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col="transparent"))) ## Figure 11.4 quakeLocs[rep(1, npanel)] data(Chem97, package="mlmRev") ChemQQ <- qq(gender ~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, f.value = ppoints(100), strip = strip.custom(style = 5)) ## Figure 11.5 tmd(ChemQQ) library("latticeExtra") data(biocAccess) baxy <- xyplot(log10(counts) ~ hour | month + weekday, biocAccess, type = c("p", "a"), as.table = TRUE, pch = ".", cex = 2, col.line = "black") dimnames(baxy)$month dimnames(baxy)$month <-[1:5] dimnames(baxy) ## Figure 11.6 useOuterStrips(baxy)
## Chapter 12 Plain text version state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region) trellis.vpname("xlab", prefix = "plot1") trellis.vpname("strip", column = 2, row = 2, prefix = "plot2") data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") ## Figure 12.1 qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, groups = gender, f.value = function(n) ppoints(100), aspect = "xy", page = function(n) { cat("Click on plot to place legend", fill = TRUE) ll <- grid.locator(unit = "npc") if (!is.null(ll)) draw.key(simpleKey(levels(factor(Chem97$gender))), vp = viewport(x = ll$x, y = ll$y), draw = TRUE) }) state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region) ## Figure 12.2 xyplot(Murder ~ Life.Exp | state.region, data = state, layout = c(2, 2), type = c("p", "g"), subscripts = TRUE) while (!is.null(fp <- trellis.focus())) { if (fp$col > 0 & fp$row > 0) panel.identify(labels = rownames(state)) } ## Figure 12.3 qqmath(~ (1000 * Population / Area), state, ylab = "Population Density (per square mile)", xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles", scales = list(y = list(log = TRUE, at = 10^(0:3)))) trellis.focus(), trellis.panelArgs()) panel.identify.qqmath(labels = row.names(state)) trellis.unfocus() env <- environmental env$ozone <- env$ozone^(1/3) ## Figure 12.4 splom(env, pscales = 0, col = "grey") trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1, highlight = FALSE) = 16, col = "black") trellis.unfocus() state$name <- with(state, reorder(reorder(factor(rownames(state)), Frost), as.numeric(state.region))) ## Figure 12.5 dotplot(name ~ Frost | reorder(state.region, Frost), data = state, layout = c(1, 4), scales = list(y = list(relation="free"))) trellis.currentLayout() heights <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(trellis.currentLayout())), function(i) { trellis.focus("panel", column = 1, row = i, highlight = FALSE) h <- diff(current.panel.limits()$ylim) trellis.unfocus() h }) heights ## Figure 12.6 update(trellis.last.object(), par.settings = list(layout.heights = list(panel = heights)))
## Chapter 13 Plain text version panel.hypotrochoid <- function(r, d, cycles = 10, density = 30) { if (missing(r)) r <- runif(1, 0.25, 0.75) if (missing(d)) d <- runif(1, 0.25 * r, r) t <- 2 * pi * seq(0, cycles, by = 1/density) x <- (1 - r) * cos(t) + d * cos((1 - r) * t / r) y <- (1 - r) * sin(t) - d * sin((1 - r) * t / r) panel.lines(x, y) } panel.hypocycloid <- function(x, y, cycles = x, density = 30) { panel.hypotrochoid(r = x / y, d = x / y, cycles = cycles, density = density) } prepanel.hypocycloid <- function(x, y) { list(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1)) } grid <- data.frame(p = 11:30, q = 10) grid$k <- with(grid, factor(p / q)) ## Figure 13.1 xyplot(p ~ q | k, grid, aspect = 1, scales = list(draw = FALSE), prepanel = prepanel.hypocycloid, panel = panel.hypocycloid) p <- xyplot(c(-1, 1) ~ c(-1, 1), aspect = 1, cycles = 15, scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "", ylab = "", panel = panel.hypotrochoid) set.seed(20070706) ## Figure 13.2 p[rep(1, 42)] library("logspline") <- function(x, n = 50, ...) { fit <- logspline(x) xx <- do.breaks(range(x), n) yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit) list(ylim = c(0, max(yy))) } <- function(x, n = 50, ...) { fit <- logspline(x) xx <- do.breaks(range(x), n) yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit) panel.lines(xx, yy, ...) } faithful$Eruptions <- equal.count(faithful$eruptions, 4) ## Figure 13.3 densityplot(~ waiting | Eruptions, data = faithful, prepanel =, panel = panel.bwtufte <- function(x, y, coef = 1.5, ...) { x <- as.numeric(x); y <- as.numeric(y) ux <- sort(unique(x)) blist <- tapply(y, factor(x, levels = ux), boxplot.stats, coef = coef, do.out = FALSE) blist.stats <- t(sapply(blist, "[[", "stats")) blist.out <- lapply(blist, "[[", "out") panel.points(y = blist.stats[, 3], x = ux, pch = 16, ...) panel.segments(x0 = rep(ux, 2), y0 = c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]), x1 = rep(ux, 2), y1 = c(blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 4]), ...) } data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev") ## Figure 13.4 bwplot(gcsescore^2.34 ~ gender | factor(score), Chem97, panel = panel.bwtufte, layout = c(6, 1), ylab = "Transformed GCSE score") data(Cars93, package = "MASS") cor.Cars93 <- cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair") ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(cor.Cars93)))) panel.corrgram <- function(x, y, z, subscripts, at, level = 0.9, label = FALSE, ...) { require("ellipse", quietly = TRUE) x <- as.numeric(x)[subscripts] y <- as.numeric(y)[subscripts] z <- as.numeric(z)[subscripts] zcol <- level.colors(z, at = at, ...) for (i in seq(along = z)) { ell <- ellipse(z[i], level = level, npoints = 50, scale = c(.2, .2), centre = c(x[i], y[i])) panel.polygon(ell, col = zcol[i], border = zcol[i], ...) } if (label) panel.text(x = x, y = y, lab = 100 * round(z, 2), cex = 0.8, col = ifelse(z < 0, "white", "black")) } ## Figure 13.5 levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 20), xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, colorkey = list(space = "top"), scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)), panel = panel.corrgram, label = TRUE) panel.corrgram.2 <- function(x, y, z, subscripts, at = pretty(z), scale = 0.8, ...) { require("grid", quietly = TRUE) x <- as.numeric(x)[subscripts] y <- as.numeric(y)[subscripts] z <- as.numeric(z)[subscripts] zcol <- level.colors(z, at = at, ...) for (i in seq(along = z)) { lims <- range(0, z[i]) tval <- 2 * base::pi * seq(from = lims[1], to = lims[2], by = 0.01) grid.polygon(x = x[i] + .5 * scale * c(0, sin(tval)), y = y[i] + .5 * scale * c(0, cos(tval)), default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fill = zcol[i])) = x[i], y = y[i], r = .5 * scale, default.units = "native") } } ## Figure 13.6 levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 101), panel = panel.corrgram.2, scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)), colorkey = list(space = "top"), col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))) panel.3d.contour <- function(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance, nlevels = 20, zlim.scaled, ...) { add.line <- trellis.par.get("add.line") panel.3dwire(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance, zlim.scaled = zlim.scaled, ...) clines <- contourLines(x, y, matrix(z, nrow = length(x), byrow = TRUE), nlevels = nlevels) for (ll in clines) { m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(ll$x, ll$y, zlim.scaled[2]), rot.mat, distance) panel.lines(m[1,], m[2,], col = add.line$col, lty = add.line$lty, lwd = add.line$lwd) } } ## Figure 13.7 wireframe(volcano, zlim = c(90, 250), nlevels = 10, aspect = c(61/87, .3), panel.aspect = 0.6, panel.3d.wireframe = "panel.3d.contour", shade = TRUE, screen = list(z = 20, x = -60)) library("maps") <- map("county", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE) str( data(ancestry, package = "latticeExtra") ancestry <- subset(ancestry, !duplicated(county)) rownames(ancestry) <- ancestry$county freq <- table(ancestry$top) keep <- names(freq)[freq > 10] ancestry$mode <- with(ancestry, factor(ifelse(top %in% keep, top, "Other"))) modal.ancestry <- ancestry[$names, "mode"] library("RColorBrewer") colors <- brewer.pal(n = nlevels(ancestry$mode), name = "Pastel1") ## Figure 13.8 xyplot(y ~ x,, aspect = "iso", scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "", ylab = "", par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")), col = colors[modal.ancestry], border = NA, panel = panel.polygon, key = list(text = list(levels(modal.ancestry), adj = 1), rectangles = list(col = colors), x = 1, y = 0, corner = c(1, 0))) rad <- function(x) { pi * x / 180 }$xx <- with(, cos(rad(x)) * cos(rad(y)))$yy <- with(, sin(rad(x)) * cos(rad(y)))$zz <- with(, sin(rad(y))) panel.3dpoly <- function (x, y, z, rot.mat = diag(4), distance, ...) { m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(x, y, z), rot.mat, distance) panel.polygon(x = m[1, ], y = m[2, ], ...) } aspect <- with(, c(diff(range(yy, na.rm = TRUE)), diff(range(zz, na.rm = TRUE))) / diff(range(xx, na.rm = TRUE))) ## Figure 13.9 cloud(zz ~ xx * yy,, = list(col = "grey"), aspect = aspect, panel.aspect = 0.6, lwd = 0.01, = panel.3dpoly, col = colors[modal.ancestry], screen = list(z = 10, x = -30), key = list(text = list(levels(modal.ancestry), adj = 1), rectangles = list(col = colors), space = "top", columns = 4), scales = list(draw = FALSE), zoom = 1.1, xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "") library("latticeExtra") library("mapproj") data(USCancerRates) rng <- with(USCancerRates, range(rate.male, rate.female, finite = TRUE)) nbreaks <- 50 breaks <- exp(do.breaks(log(rng), nbreaks)) ## Figure 13.10 mapplot(rownames(USCancerRates) ~ rate.male + rate.female, data = USCancerRates, breaks = breaks, map = map("county", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE, projection = "tetra"), scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "", main = "Average yearly deaths due to cancer per 100000")
## Chapter 14 Plain text version library("latticeExtra") ## Figure 14.1 xyplot(sunspot.year, aspect = "xy", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, cut = list(number = 4, overlap = 0.05)) data(biocAccess, package = "latticeExtra") ssd <- stl(ts(biocAccess$counts[1:(24 * 30 * 2)], frequency = 24), "periodic") ## Figure 14.2 xyplot(ssd, xlab = "Time (Days)") library("flowViz") data(GvHD, package = "flowCore") ## Figure 14.3 densityplot(Visit ~ `FSC-H` | Patient, data = GvHD) library("hexbin") data(NHANES) ## Figure 14.4 hexbinplot(Hemoglobin ~ TIBC | Sex, data = NHANES, aspect = 0.8) panel.piechart <- function(x, y, labels = as.character(y), edges = 200, radius = 0.8, clockwise = FALSE, init.angle = if(clockwise) 90 else 0, density = NULL, angle = 45, col = superpose.polygon$col, border = superpose.polygon$border, lty = superpose.polygon$lty, ...) { stopifnot(require("gridBase")) superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon") opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(opar)) if (panel.number() > 1) par(new = TRUE) par(fig = gridFIG(), omi = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) pie(as.numeric(x), labels = labels, edges = edges, radius = radius, clockwise = clockwise, init.angle = init.angle, angle = angle, density = density, col = col, border = border, lty = lty) } piechart <- function(x, data = NULL, panel = "panel.piechart", ...) { ocall <- ocall[[1]] <- quote(piechart) ccall <- ccall$data <- data ccall$panel <- panel ccall$default.scales <- list(draw = FALSE) ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::barchart) ans <- eval.parent(ccall) ans$call <- ocall ans } ## Figure 14.5 par(new = TRUE) piechart(VADeaths, groups = FALSE, xlab = "")