Switch code layout
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
xtabs( ~ score, data = Chem97)
histogram(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97)
densityplot(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97,
plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE)
densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, groups = score,
plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE,
auto.key = list(columns = 3))
tp1 <- histogram(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97)
tp2 <-
densityplot(~ gcsescore, data = Chem97, groups = score,
plot.points = FALSE,
auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "score"))
plot(tp1, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2))
plot(tp2, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), newpage = FALSE)
data(Oats, package = "MEMSS")
tp1.oats <-
xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Variety + Block, data = Oats, type = 'o')
xtabs(~Variety + Block, data = Oats)
summary(tp1.oats[, 1])
print(tp1.oats[, 1])
update(tp1.oats, aspect = "xy",
layout = c(0, 18))
update(tp1.oats, aspect = "xy", layout = c(0, 18),
between = list(x = c(0, 0, 0.5), y = 0.5))
dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, barley,
layout = c(1, 6), aspect = c(0.7),
groups = year, auto.key = list(space = 'right'))
key.variety <-
list(space = "right", text = list(levels(Oats$Variety)),
points = list(pch = 1:3, col = "black"))
xyplot(yield ~ nitro | Block, Oats, aspect = "xy", type = "o",
groups = Variety, key = key.variety, lty = 1, pch = 1:3,
col.line = "darkgrey", col.symbol = "black",
xlab = "Nitrogen concentration (cwt/acre)",
ylab = "Yield (bushels/acre)",
main = "Yield of three varieties of oats",
sub = "A 3 x 4 split plot experiment with 6 blocks")
barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age, data = as.data.frame(Titanic),
groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1),
auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2))
barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age, data = as.data.frame(Titanic),
groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1),
auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2),
scales = list(x = "free"))
bc.titanic <-
barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex + Age, as.data.frame(Titanic),
groups = Survived, stack = TRUE, layout = c(4, 1),
auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2),
scales = list(x = "free"))
panel = function(...) {
panel.grid(h = 0, v = -1)
panel = function(..., border) {
panel.barchart(..., border = "transparent")
densityplot(~ eruptions, data = faithful)
densityplot(~ eruptions, data = faithful,
kernel = "rect", bw = 0.2, plot.points = "rug", n = 200)
densityplot(~log(FSC.H) | Days, data = gvhd10,
plot.points = FALSE, ref = TRUE, layout = c(2, 4))
histogram(~log2(FSC.H) | Days, gvhd10, xlab = "log Forward Scatter",
type = "density", nint = 50, layout = c(2, 4))
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97,
f.value = ppoints(100))
qqmath(~ gcsescore | gender, Chem97, groups = score, aspect = "xy",
f.value = ppoints(100), auto.key = list(space = "right"),
xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles",
ylab = "Average GCSE Score")
Chem97.mod <- transform(Chem97, gcsescore.trans = gcsescore^2.34)
qqmath(~ gcsescore.trans | gender, Chem97.mod, groups = score,
f.value = ppoints(100), aspect = "xy",
auto.key = list(space = "right", title = "score"),
xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles",
ylab = "Transformed GCSE Score")
ecdfplot(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97,
groups = gender, auto.key = list(columns = 2),
subset = gcsescore > 0, xlab = "Average GCSE Score")
qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), data = Chem97, groups = gender,
auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2),
subset = gcsescore > 0, type = "l", distribution = qunif,
prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, aspect = "xy",
xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles",
ylab = "Average GCSE Score")
qq(gender ~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97,
f.value = ppoints(100), aspect = 1)
bwplot(factor(score) ~ gcsescore | gender, data = Chem97,
xlab = "Average GCSE Score")
bwplot(gcsescore^2.34 ~ gender | factor(score), Chem97,
varwidth = TRUE, layout = c(6, 1),
ylab = "Transformed GCSE score")
bwplot(Days ~ log(FSC.H), data = gvhd10,
xlab = "log(Forward Scatter)", ylab = "Days Past Transplant")
bwplot(Days ~ log(FSC.H), gvhd10,
panel = panel.violin, box.ratio = 3,
xlab = "log(Forward Scatter)",
ylab = "Days Past Transplant")
stripplot(factor(mag) ~ depth, quakes)
stripplot(depth ~ factor(mag), quakes,
jitter.data = TRUE, alpha = 0.6,
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)", ylab = "Depth (km)")
stripplot(sqrt(abs(residuals(lm(yield~variety+year+site)))) ~ site,
data = barley, groups = year, jitter.data = TRUE,
auto.key = list(points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2),
type = c("p", "a"), fun = median,
ylab = expression(abs("Residual Barley Yield")^{1 / 2}))
dotplot(VADeaths, groups = FALSE)
dotplot(VADeaths, groups = FALSE,
layout = c(1, 4), aspect = 0.7,
origin = 0, type = c("p", "h"),
main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940",
xlab = "Rate (per 1000)")
dotplot(VADeaths, type = "o",
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, space = "right"),
main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940",
xlab = "Rate (per 1000)")
barchart(VADeaths, groups = FALSE,
layout = c(1, 4), aspect = 0.7, reference = FALSE,
main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940",
xlab = "Rate (per 100)")
data(postdoc, package = "latticeExtra")
barchart(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), xlab = "Proportion",
auto.key = list(adj = 1))
dotplot(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), groups = FALSE,
xlab = "Proportion",
par.strip.text = list(abbreviate = TRUE, minlength = 10))
dotplot(prop.table(postdoc, margin = 1), groups = FALSE,
index.cond = function(x, y) median(x),
xlab = "Proportion", layout = c(1, 5), aspect = 0.6,
scales = list(y = list(relation = "free", rot = 0)),
prepanel = function(x, y) {
list(ylim = levels(reorder(y, x)))
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.dotplot(x, reorder(y, x), ...)
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
gcsescore.tab <- xtabs(~gcsescore + gender, Chem97)
gcsescore.df <- as.data.frame(gcsescore.tab)
gcsescore.df$gcsescore <-
xyplot(Freq ~ gcsescore | gender, data = gcsescore.df,
type = "h", layout = c(1, 2), xlab = "Average GCSE Score")
score.tab <- xtabs(~score + gender, Chem97)
score.df <- as.data.frame(score.tab)
barchart(Freq ~ score | gender, score.df, origin = 0)
xyplot(lat ~ long | cut(depth, 2), data = quakes)
xyplot(lat ~ long | cut(depth, 3), data = quakes,
aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2, type = c("p", "g"),
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE, var.name = "Depth"))
xyplot(lat ~ long, data = quakes, aspect = "iso",
groups = cut(depth, breaks = quantile(depth, ppoints(4, 1))),
auto.key = list(columns = 3, title = "Depth"),
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
depth.col <- gray.colors(100)[cut(quakes$depth, 100, label = FALSE)]
depth.ord <- rev(order(quakes$depth))
xyplot(lat ~ long, data = quakes[depth.ord, ],
aspect = "iso", type = c("p", "g"), col = "black",
pch = 21, fill = depth.col[depth.ord], cex = 2,
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
quakes$Magnitude <- equal.count(quakes$mag, 4)
quakes$color <- depth.col
quakes.ordered <- quakes[depth.ord, ]
xyplot(lat ~ long | Magnitude, data = quakes.ordered, col = "black",
aspect = "iso", fill.color = quakes.ordered$color, cex = 2,
panel = function(x, y, fill.color, ..., subscripts) {
fill <- fill.color[subscripts]
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 21, fill = fill, ...)
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
depth.breaks <- do.breaks(range(quakes.ordered$depth), 50)
quakes.ordered$color <-
level.colors(quakes.ordered$depth, at = depth.breaks,
col.regions = gray.colors)
xyplot(lat ~ long | Magnitude, data = quakes.ordered,
aspect = "iso", groups = color, cex = 2, col = "black",
panel = function(x, y, groups, ..., subscripts) {
fill <- groups[subscripts]
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 21, fill = fill, ...)
legend =
list(right =
list(fun = draw.colorkey,
args = list(key = list(col = gray.colors,
at = depth.breaks),
draw = FALSE))),
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude")
types.plain <- c("p", "l", "o", "r", "g", "s", "S", "h", "a", "smooth")
types.horiz <- c("s", "S", "h", "a", "smooth")
horiz <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(length(types.plain), length(types.horiz)))
types <- c(types.plain, types.horiz)
x <- sample(seq(-10, 10, length = 15), 30, TRUE)
y <- x + 0.25 * (x + 1)^2 + rnorm(length(x), sd = 5)
xyplot(y ~ x | gl(1, length(types)),
xlab = "type",
ylab = list(c("horizontal=TRUE", "horizontal=FALSE"), y = c(1/6, 4/6)),
as.table = TRUE, layout = c(5, 3),
between = list(y = c(0, 1)),
strip = function(...) {
type <- types[panel.number()]
grid.text(lab = sprintf('"%s"', type),
x = 0.5, y = 0.5)
scales = list(alternating = c(0, 2), tck = c(0, 0.7), draw = FALSE),
par.settings =
list(layout.widths = list(strip.left = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))),
panel = function(...) {
type <- types[panel.number()]
horizontal <- horiz[panel.number()]
type = type,
horizontal = horizontal)
})[rep(1, length(types))]
data(Earthquake, package = "MEMSS")
xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake,
panel = function(...) {
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)")
xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake,
type = c("g", "p", "smooth"),
scales = list(log = 2),
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)")
Earthquake$Magnitude <-
equal.count(Earthquake$Richter, 3, overlap = 0.1)
coef <- coef(lm(log2(accel) ~ log2(distance), data = Earthquake))
xyplot(accel ~ distance | Magnitude, data = Earthquake,
scales = list(log = 2), col.line = "grey", lwd = 2,
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(reg = coef)
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)")
data(SeatacWeather, package = "latticeExtra")
xyplot(min.temp + max.temp + precip ~ day | month,
ylab = "Temperature and Rainfall",
data = SeatacWeather, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "black")
maxp <- max(SeatacWeather$precip, na.rm = TRUE)
xyplot(min.temp + max.temp + I(80 * precip / maxp) ~ day | month,
data = SeatacWeather, lty = 1, col = "black",
ylab = "Temperature and Rainfall",
type = c("l", "l", "h"), distribute.type = TRUE)
ylab = "Temperature (Fahrenheit) \n and Rainfall (inches)",
panel = function(...) {
if (panel.number() == 2) {
at <- pretty(c(0, maxp))
panel.axis("right", half = FALSE,
at = at * 80 / maxp, labels = at)
data(gvhd10, package = "latticeExtra")
xyplot(asinh(SSC.H) ~ asinh(FL2.H) | Days, gvhd10, aspect = 1,
panel = panel.hexbinplot, .aspect.ratio = 1, trans = sqrt)
splom(~USArrests[c(3, 1, 2, 4)] | state.region,
pscales = 0, type = c("g", "p", "smooth"))
splom(~data.frame(mpg, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec),
data = mtcars, groups = cyl, pscales = 0,
varnames = c("Miles\nper\ngallon", "Displacement\n(cu. in.)",
"Gross\nhorsepower", "Rear\naxle\nratio",
"Weight", "1/4 mile\ntime"),
auto.key = list(columns = 3, title = "Number of Cylinders"))
parallel(~mtcars[c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)] | factor(cyl),
mtcars, groups = carb,
key = simpleKey(levels(factor(mtcars$carb)), points = FALSE,
lines = TRUE, space = "top", columns = 3),
layout = c(3, 1))
data(gvhd10, package = "latticeExtra")
parallel(~ asinh(gvhd10[c(3, 2, 4, 1, 5)]), data = gvhd10,
subset = Days == "13", alpha = 0.01, lty = 1)
quakes$Magnitude <- equal.count(quakes$mag, 4)
cloud(depth ~ lat * long | Magnitude, data = quakes,
zlim = rev(range(quakes$depth)),
screen = list(z = 105, x = -70), panel.aspect = 0.75,
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", zlab = "Depth")
cloud(depth ~ lat * long | Magnitude, data = quakes,
zlim = rev(range(quakes$depth)), panel.aspect = 0.75,
screen = list(z = 80, x = -70), zoom = 0.7,
scales = list(z = list(arrows = FALSE, distance = 2)),
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
zlab = list("Depth\n(km)", rot = 90))
p <-
cloud(depth ~ long + lat, quakes, zlim = c(690, 30),
pch = ".", cex = 1.5, zoom = 1,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL,
par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")),
scales = list(draw = FALSE))
npanel <- 4
rotz <- seq(-30, 30, length = npanel)
roty <- c(3, 0)
update(p[rep(1, 2 * npanel)],
layout = c(2, npanel),
panel = function(..., screen) {
crow <- current.row()
ccol <- current.column()
panel.cloud(..., screen = list(z = rotz[crow],
x = -60,
y = roty[ccol]))
state.info <-
data.frame(name = state.name,
long = state.center$x,
lat = state.center$y,
area = state.x77[, "Area"],
population = 1000 * state.x77[, "Population"])
state.info$density <- with(state.info, population / area)
cloud(density ~ long + lat, state.info,
subset = !(name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii")),
type = "h", lwd = 2, zlim = c(0, max(state.info$density)),
scales = list(arrows = FALSE))
state.map <- map("state", plot=FALSE, fill = FALSE)
panel.3dmap <- function(..., rot.mat, distance, xlim, ylim, zlim,
xlim.scaled, ylim.scaled, zlim.scaled)
scaled.val <- function(x, original, scaled) {
scaled[1] + (x - original[1]) * diff(scaled) / diff(original)
m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(scaled.val(state.map$x, xlim, xlim.scaled),
scaled.val(state.map$y, ylim, ylim.scaled),
rot.mat, distance)
panel.lines(m[1,], m[2,], col = "grey76")
cloud(density ~ long + lat, state.info,
subset = !(name %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii")),
panel.3d.cloud = function(...) {
type = "h", scales = list(draw = FALSE), zoom = 1.1,
xlim = state.map$range[1:2], ylim = state.map$range[3:4],
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL,
aspect = c(diff(state.map$range[3:4]) / diff(state.map$range[1:2]), 0.3),
panel.aspect = 0.75, lwd = 2, screen = list(z = 30, x = -60),
par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent"),
box.3d = list(col = "transparent", alpha = 0)))
data(Cars93, package = "MASS")
cor.Cars93 <-
cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair")
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
Chem97$gcd <-
breaks = quantile(gcsescore, ppoints(11, a = 1))))
ChemTab <- xtabs(~ score + gcd + gender, Chem97)
ChemTabDf <- as.data.frame.table(ChemTab)
env <- environmental
env$ozone <- env$ozone^(1/3)
env$Radiation <- equal.count(env$radiation, 4)
cloud(ozone ~ wind + temperature | Radiation, env)
fm1.env <- lm(ozone ~ radiation * temperature * wind, env)
fm2.env <-
loess(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env,
span = 0.75, degree = 1)
fm3.env <-
loess(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env,
parametric = c("radiation", "wind"),
span = 0.75, degree = 2)
fm4.env <- locfit(ozone ~ wind * temperature * radiation, env)
w.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(wind), 50))
t.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(temperature), 50))
r.mesh <- with(env, do.breaks(range(radiation), 3))
grid <-
expand.grid(wind = w.mesh,
temperature = t.mesh,
radiation = r.mesh)
grid[["fit.linear"]] <- predict(fm1.env, newdata = grid)
grid[["fit.loess.1"]] <- as.vector(predict(fm2.env, newdata = grid))
grid[["fit.loess.2"]] <- as.vector(predict(fm3.env, newdata = grid))
grid[["fit.locfit"]] <- predict(fm4.env, newdata = grid)
wireframe(fit.linear + fit.loess.1 + fit.loess.2 + fit.locfit ~
wind * temperature | radiation,
grid, outer = TRUE, shade = TRUE, zlab = "")
levelplot(fit.linear + fit.loess.1 + fit.loess.2 + fit.locfit ~
wind * temperature | radiation,
data = grid)
contourplot(fit.locfit ~ wind * temperature | radiation,
data = grid, aspect = 0.7, layout = c(1, 4),
cuts = 15, label.style = "align")
contourplot(volcano, cuts = 20, label = FALSE)
wireframe(volcano, panel.aspect = 0.7, zoom = 1, lwd = 0.01)
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
Chem97$gcd <-
breaks = quantile(gcsescore, ppoints(11, a = 1))))
ChemTab <- xtabs(~ score + gcd + gender, Chem97)
ChemTabDf <- as.data.frame.table(ChemTab)
data(Cars93, package = "MASS")
cor.Cars93 <- cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair")
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)))
ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(cor.Cars93))))
levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 20),
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)))
tick.at <- pretty(range(sqrt(ChemTabDf$Freq)))
levelplot(sqrt(Freq) ~ score * gcd | gender, ChemTabDf,
shrink = c(0.7, 1),
colorkey =
list(labels = list(at = tick.at, labels = tick.at^2)),
aspect = "iso")
cloud(Freq ~ score * gcd | gender, data = ChemTabDf,
screen = list(z = -40, x = -25), zoom = 1.1,
col.facet = "grey", xbase = 0.6, ybase = 0.6,
par.settings = list(box.3d = list(col = "transparent")),
aspect = c(1.5, 0.75), panel.aspect = 0.75,
panel.3d.cloud = panel.3dbars)
grid <-
expand.grid(u = do.breaks(c(0.01, 0.99), 25),
v = do.breaks(c(0.01, 0.99), 25))
grid$frank <- with(grid, dcopula(frankCopula(2), cbind(u, v)))
grid$gumbel <- with(grid, dcopula(gumbelCopula(1.2), cbind(u, v)))
grid$normal <- with(grid, dcopula(normalCopula(.4), cbind(u, v)))
grid$t <- with(grid, dcopula(tCopula(0.4), cbind(u, v)))
wireframe(frank + gumbel + normal + t ~ u * v, grid, outer = TRUE,
zlab = "", screen = list(z = -30, x = -50), lwd = 0.01)
wireframe(frank + gumbel + normal + t ~ u * v, grid, outer = TRUE,
zlab = "", screen = list(z = -30, x = -50),
scales = list(z = list(log = TRUE)), lwd = 0.01)
kx <- function(u, v)
cos(u) * (r + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v) - sin(u/2) * sin(2*t*v))
ky <- function(u, v)
sin(u) * (r + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v) - sin(u/2) * sin(2*t*v))
kz <- function(u, v)
sin(u/2) * sin(t*v) + cos(u/2) * sin(t*v)
n <- 50
u <- seq(0.3, 1.25, length = n) * 2 * pi
v <- seq(0, 1, length = n) * 2 * pi
um <- matrix(u, length(u), length(u))
vm <- matrix(v, length(v), length(v), byrow = TRUE)
r <- 2
t <- 1
wireframe(kz(um, vm) ~ kx(um, vm) + ky(um, vm), shade = TRUE,
screen = list(z = 170, x = -60),
alpha = 0.75, panel.aspect = 0.6, aspect = c(1, 0.4))
data(USAge.df, package = "latticeExtra")
brewer.div <-
colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"),
interpolate = "spline")
levelplot(Population ~ Year * Age | Sex, data = USAge.df,
cuts = 199, col.regions = brewer.div(200),
aspect = "iso")
vad.plot <-
dotplot(reorder(Var2, Freq) ~ Freq | Var1,
data = as.data.frame.table(VADeaths),
origin = 0, type = c("p", "h"),
main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940",
xlab = "Number of deaths per 100")
dot.line.settings <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
dot.line.settings$col <- "transparent"
trellis.par.set("dot.line", dot.line.settings)
plot.line.settings <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
plot.line.settings$lwd <- 2
trellis.par.set("plot.line", plot.line.settings)
panel.dotline <-
function(x, y,
col = dot.symbol$col, pch = dot.symbol$pch,
cex = dot.symbol$cex, alpha = dot.symbol$alpha,
col.line = plot.line$col, lty = plot.line$lty,
lwd = plot.line$lwd, alpha.line = plot.line$alpha,
dot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("dot.symbol")
plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
panel.segments(0, y, x, y, col = col.line, lty = lty,
lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha.line)
panel.points(x, y, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex, alpha = alpha)
trellis.par.set(dot.line = dot.line.settings,
plot.line = plot.line.settings)
trellis.par.set(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"),
plot.line = list(lwd = 2))
trellis.par.set(list(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"),
plot.line = list(lwd = 2)))
par.settings = list(dot.line = list(col = "transparent"),
plot.line = list(lwd = 2)))
tp <- trellis.par.get()
unusual <-
c("grid.pars", "fontsize", "clip",
"layout.heights", "layout.widths")
for (u in unusual) tp[[u]] <- NULL
names.tp <- lapply(tp, names)
unames <- sort(unique(unlist(names.tp)))
ans <- matrix(0, nrow = length(names.tp), ncol = length(unames))
rownames(ans) <- names(names.tp)
colnames(ans) <- unames
for (i in seq(along = names.tp))
ans[i, ] <- as.numeric(unames %in% names.tp[[i]])
ans <- ans[, order(-colSums(ans))]
ans <- ans[order(rowSums(ans)), ]
ans[ans == 0] <- NA
levelplot(t(ans), colorkey = FALSE,
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
panel = function(x, y, z, ...) {
panel.abline(v = unique(as.numeric(x)),
h = unique(as.numeric(y)),
col = "darkgrey")
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = 16 * z, ...)
xlab = "Graphical parameters",
ylab = "Setting names")
stripplot(depth ~ factor(mag), data = quakes, jitter.data = TRUE,
scales = list(y = "free", rot = 0),
prepanel = function(x, y, ...) list(ylim = rev(range(y))),
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter scale)")
data(biocAccess, package = "latticeExtra")
xyplot(counts/1000 ~ time | equal.count(as.numeric(time),
9, overlap = 0.1),
biocAccess, type = "l", aspect = "xy", strip = FALSE,
ylab = "Numer of accesses (thousands)", xlab = "",
scales = list(x = list(relation = "sliced", axs = "i"),
y = list(alternating = FALSE)))
data(Earthquake, package = "MEMSS")
xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake,
prepanel = prepanel.loess, aspect = "xy",
type = c("p", "g", "smooth"),
scales = list(log = 2),
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)")
yscale.components.log2 <- function(...) {
ans <- yscale.components.default(...)
ans$right <- ans$left
ans$left$labels$labels <-
parse(text = ans$left$labels$labels)
ans$right$labels$labels <-
logTicks <- function (lim, loc = c(1, 5)) {
ii <- floor(log10(range(lim))) + c(-1, 2)
main <- 10^(ii[1]:ii[2])
r <- as.numeric(outer(loc, main, "*"))
r[lim[1] <= r & r <= lim[2]]
xscale.components.log2 <- function(lim, ...) {
ans <- xscale.components.default(lim = lim, ...)
tick.at <- logTicks(2^lim, loc = c(1, 3))
ans$bottom$ticks$at <- log(tick.at, 2)
ans$bottom$labels$at <- log(tick.at, 2)
ans$bottom$labels$labels <- as.character(tick.at)
xyplot(accel ~ distance | cut(Richter, c(4.9, 5.5, 6.5, 7.8)),
data = Earthquake, type = c("p", "g"),
scales = list(log = 2, y = list(alternating = 3)),
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)",
xscale.components = xscale.components.log2,
yscale.components = yscale.components.log2)
xscale.components.log10 <- function(lim, ...) {
ans <- xscale.components.default(lim = lim, ...)
tick.at <- logTicks(10^lim, loc = 1:9)
tick.at.major <- logTicks(10^lim, loc = 1)
major <- tick.at %in% tick.at.major
ans$bottom$ticks$at <- log(tick.at, 10)
ans$bottom$ticks$tck <- ifelse(major, 1.5, 0.75)
ans$bottom$labels$at <- log(tick.at, 10)
ans$bottom$labels$labels <- as.character(tick.at)
ans$bottom$labels$labels[!major] <- ""
ans$bottom$labels$check.overlap <- FALSE
xyplot(accel ~ distance, data = Earthquake,
prepanel = prepanel.loess, aspect = "xy",
type = c("p", "g"), scales = list(log = 10),
xlab = "Distance From Epicenter (km)",
ylab = "Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (g)",
xscale.components = xscale.components.log10)
axis.CF <- function(side, ...) {
if (side == "right") {
F2C <- function(f) 5 * (f - 32) / 9
C2F <- function(c) 32 + 9 * c / 5
ylim <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
prettyF <- pretty(ylim)
prettyC <- pretty(F2C(ylim))
panel.axis(side = side, outside = TRUE, at = prettyF,
tck = 5, line.col = "grey65", text.col = "grey35")
panel.axis(side = side, outside = TRUE, at = C2F(prettyC),
labels = as.character(prettyC),
tck = 1, line.col = "black", text.col = "black")
else axis.default(side = side, ...)
xyplot(nhtemp ~ time(nhtemp), aspect = "xy", type = "o",
scales = list(y = list(alternating = 2, tck = c(1, 5))),
axis = axis.CF, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Temperature",
main = "Yearly temperature in New Haven, CT",
key = list(text = list(c("(Celcius)", "(Fahrenheit)"),
col = c("black", "grey35")), columns = 2))
data(Cars93, package = "MASS")
sup.sym <- Rows(trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol"), 1:5)
xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price), data = Cars93,
groups = Cylinders, subset = Cylinders != "rotary",
scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)),
xlab = "Engine Size (litres)",
ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)",
key = list(text = list(levels(Cars93$Cylinders)[1:5]),
points = sup.sym, space = "right"))
xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price), data = Cars93,
groups = Cylinders, subset = Cylinders != "rotary",
scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)),
xlab = "Engine Size (litres)",
ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)",
auto.key = list(text = levels(Cars93$Cylinders)[1:5],
space = "right", points = TRUE))
xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize | reorder(AirBags, Price),
data = subset(Cars93, Cylinders != "rotary"),
groups = Cylinders[, drop = TRUE],
scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)),
xlab = "Engine Size (litres)",
ylab = "Average Price (1000 USD)",
auto.key = list(space = "right"))
my.pch <- c(21:25, 20)
my.fill <- c("transparent", "grey", "black")
xyplot(Price ~ EngineSize,
scales = list(y = list(log = 2, tick.number = 3)),
panel = function(x, y, ..., subscripts) {
pch <- my.pch[Cylinders[subscripts]]
fill <- my.fill[AirBags[subscripts]]
panel.xyplot(x, y, pch = pch,
fill = fill, col = "black")
key = list(space = "right", adj = 1,
text = list(levels(Cylinders)),
points = list(pch = my.pch),
text = list(levels(AirBags)),
points = list(pch = 21, fill = my.fill),
rep = FALSE)))
hc1 <- hclust(dist(USArrests, method = "canberra"))
hc1 <- as.dendrogram(hc1)
ord.hc1 <- order.dendrogram(hc1)
hc2 <- reorder(hc1, state.region[ord.hc1])
ord.hc2 <- order.dendrogram(hc2)
region.colors <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")$col
levelplot(t(scale(USArrests))[, ord.hc2],
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
colorkey = FALSE,
legend =
list(right =
list(fun = dendrogramGrob,
args =
list(x = hc2, ord = ord.hc2,
side = "right", size = 10, size.add = 0.5,
add = list(rect =
list(col = "transparent",
fill = region.colors[state.region])),
type = "rectangle"))))
Titanic1 <- as.data.frame(as.table(Titanic[, , "Adult" ,]))
barchart(Class ~ Freq | Sex, Titanic1,
groups = Survived, stack = TRUE,
auto.key = list(title = "Survived", columns = 2))
Titanic2 <-
reshape(Titanic1, direction = "wide", v.names = "Freq",
idvar = c("Class", "Sex"), timevar = "Survived")
names(Titanic2) <- c("Class", "Sex", "Dead", "Alive")
barchart(Class ~ Dead + Alive | Sex,
stack = TRUE,
auto.key = list(columns = 2))
data(Gcsemv, package = "mlmRev")
xyplot(written ~ course | gender, data = Gcsemv,
type = c("g", "p", "smooth"),
xlab = "Coursework score", ylab = "Written exam score",
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.rug(x = x[is.na(y)], y = y[is.na(x)])
qqmath( ~ written + course, Gcsemv, type = c("p", "g"),
outer = TRUE, groups = gender, auto.key = list(columns = 2),
f.value = ppoints(200), ylab = "Score")
x1 <- rexp(2000)
x1 <- x1[x1 > 1]
x2 <- rexp(1000)
str(make.groups(x1, x2))
qqmath(~ data, make.groups(x1, x2), groups = which,
distribution = qexp, aspect = "iso", type = c('p', 'g'))
beavers <- make.groups(beaver1, beaver2)
beavers$hour <-
with(beavers, time %/% 100 + 24*(day - 307) + (time %% 100)/60)
xyplot(temp ~ hour | which, data = beavers, groups = activ,
auto.key = list(text = c("inactive", "active"), columns = 2),
xlab = "Time (hours)", ylab = "Body Temperature (C)",
scales = list(x = list(relation = "sliced")))
data(USAge.df, package = "latticeExtra")
xyplot(Population ~ Age | factor(Year), USAge.df,
groups = Sex, type = c("l", "g"),
auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2),
aspect = "xy", ylab = "Population (millions)",
subset = Year %in% seq(1905, 1975, by = 10))
xyplot(Population ~ Year | factor(Age), USAge.df,
groups = Sex, type = "l", strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE,
layout = c(1, 3), ylab = "Population (millions)",
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2),
subset = Age %in% c(0, 10, 20))
xyplot(Population ~ Year | factor(Year - Age), USAge.df,
groups = Sex, subset = (Year - Age) %in% 1894:1905,
type = c("g", "l"), ylab = "Population (millions)",
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, columns = 2))
xyplot(stations ~ mag, quakes, jitter.x = TRUE,
type = c("p", "smooth"),
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)",
ylab = "Number of stations reporting")
quakes$Mag <- equal.count(quakes$mag, number = 10, overlap = 0.2)
ps.mag <- plot(quakes$Mag, ylab = "Level",
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)")
bwp.quakes <-
bwplot(stations ~ Mag, quakes, xlab = "Magnitude",
ylab = "Number of stations reporting")
plot(bwp.quakes, position = c(0, 0, 1, 0.65))
plot(ps.mag, position = c(0, 0.65, 1, 1), newpage = FALSE)
bwplot(sqrt(stations) ~ Mag, quakes,
scales =
list(x = list(limits = as.character(levels(quakes$Mag)),
rot = 60)),
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)",
ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations")))
qqmath(~ sqrt(stations) | Mag, quakes,
type = c("p", "g"), pch = ".", cex = 3,
prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, aspect = "xy",
strip = strip.custom(strip.levels = TRUE,
strip.names = FALSE),
xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations")))
xyplot(sqrt(stations) ~ mag, quakes, cex = 0.6,
panel = panel.bwplot, horizontal = FALSE, box.ratio = 0.05,
xlab = "Magnitude (Richter)",
ylab = expression(sqrt("Number of stations")))
state.density <-
data.frame(name = state.name,
area = state.x77[, "Area"],
population = state.x77[, "Population"],
region = state.region)
state.density$density <- with(state.density, population / area)
dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ density, state.density,
xlab = "Population Density (thousands per square mile)")
state.density$Density <-
intervals = rbind(c(0, 0.2),
c(0.2, 1)))
dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ density | Density, state.density,
strip = FALSE, layout = c(2, 1), levels.fos = 1:50,
scales = list(x = "free"), between = list(x = 0.5),
xlab = "Population Density (thousands per square mile)",
par.settings = list(layout.widths = list(panel = c(2, 1))))
cutAndStack <-
function(x, number = 6, overlap = 0.1, type = 'l',
xlab = "Time", ylab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...) {
time <- if (is.ts(x)) time(x) else seq_along(x)
Time <- equal.count(as.numeric(time),
number = number, overlap = overlap)
xyplot(as.numeric(x) ~ time | Time,
type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
default.scales = list(x = list(relation = "free"),
y = list(relation = "free")),
cutAndStack(EuStockMarkets[, "DAX"], aspect = "xy",
scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE),
y = list(rot = 0)))
bdp1 <-
dotplot(as.character(variety) ~ yield | as.character(site), barley,
groups = year, layout = c(1, 6),
auto.key = list(space = "top", columns = 2),
## strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE,
aspect = "fill")
bdp2 <-
dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, barley,
groups = year, layout = c(1, 6),
auto.key = list(space = "top", columns = 2),
## strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE)
aspect = "fill")
plot(bdp1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1))
plot(bdp2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), newpage = FALSE)
state.density <-
data.frame(name = state.name,
area = state.x77[, "Area"],
population = state.x77[, "Population"],
region = state.region)
state.density$density <- with(state.density, population / area)
dotplot(reorder(name, density) ~ 1000 * density, state.density,
scales = list(x = list(log = 10)),
xlab = "Density (per square mile)")
state.density$region <-
with(state.density, reorder(region, density, median))
state.density$name <-
reorder(reorder(name, density), as.numeric(region)))
dotplot(name ~ 1000 * density | region, state.density,
strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE, layout = c(1, 4),
scales = list(x = list(log = 10),
y = list(relation = "free")),
xlab = "Density (per square mile)")
data(USCancerRates, package = "latticeExtra")
xyplot(rate.male ~ rate.female | state, USCancerRates,
aspect = "iso", pch = ".", cex = 2,
index.cond = function(x, y) { median(y - x, na.rm = TRUE) },
scales = list(log = 2, at = c(75, 150, 300, 600)),
panel = function(...) {
panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
panel.abline(0, 1)
strip.style4 <- function(..., style) {
strip.default(..., style = 4)
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
qqmath(~gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, groups = gender,
type = c("l", "g"), aspect = "xy",
auto.key = list(points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2),
f.value = ppoints(100), strip = strip.style4,
xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
ylab = "Average GCSE score")
strip.combined <-
function(which.given, which.panel, factor.levels, ...) {
if (which.given == 1) {
panel.rect(0, 0, 1, 1, col = "grey90", border = 1)
panel.text(x = 0, y = 0.5, pos = 4,
lab = factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]])
if (which.given == 2) {
panel.text(x = 1, y = 0.5, pos = 2,
lab = factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]])
qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score) + gender, Chem97,
f.value = ppoints(100), type = c("l", "g"), aspect = "xy",
strip = strip.combined,
par.strip.text = list(lines = 0.5),
xlab = "Standard normal quantiles",
ylab = "Average GCSE score")
morris <- barley$site == "Morris"
barley$year[morris] <-
ifelse(barley$year[morris] == "1931", "1932", "1931")
stripplot(sqrt(abs(residuals(lm(yield ~ variety+year+site)))) ~ site,
data = barley, groups = year, jitter.data = TRUE,
auto.key = list(points = TRUE, lines = TRUE, columns = 2),
type = c("p", "a"), fun = median,
ylab = expression(abs("Residual Barley Yield")^{1 / 2}))
methods(class = "trellis")
methods(class = "shingle")
methods(generic.function = "barchart")
dp.uspe <-
groups = FALSE,
index.cond = function(x, y) median(x),
layout = c(1, 5),
type = c("p", "h"),
xlab = "Expenditure (billion dollars)")
dp.uspe.log <-
groups = FALSE,
index.cond = function(x, y) median(x),
layout = c(1, 5),
scales = list(x = list(log = 2)),
xlab = "Expenditure (billion dollars)")
plot(dp.uspe, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
plot(dp.uspe.log, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)
state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region, state.name)
state$state.name <-
with(state, reorder(reorder(state.name, Frost),
dpfrost <-
dotplot(state.name ~ Frost | reorder(state.region, Frost),
data = state, layout = c(1, 4),
scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")))
panel.height = list(x = c(16, 13, 9, 12), unit = "null"))
update(trellis.last.object(), layout = c(1, 1))[2]
npanel <- 12
rot <- list(z = seq(0, 30, length = npanel),
x = seq(0, -80, length = npanel))
quakeLocs <-
cloud(depth ~ long + lat, quakes, pch = ".", cex = 1.5,
panel = function(..., screen) {
pn <- panel.number()
panel.cloud(..., screen = list(z = rot$z[pn],
x = rot$x[pn]))
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, zlab = NULL,
scales = list(draw = FALSE), zlim = c(690, 30),
par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col="transparent")))
quakeLocs[rep(1, npanel)]
data(Chem97, package="mlmRev")
ChemQQ <-
qq(gender ~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97,
f.value = ppoints(100), strip = strip.custom(style = 5))
baxy <- xyplot(log10(counts) ~ hour | month + weekday, biocAccess,
type = c("p", "a"), as.table = TRUE,
pch = ".", cex = 2, col.line = "black")
dimnames(baxy)$month <- month.name[1:5]
state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region)
trellis.vpname("xlab", prefix = "plot1")
trellis.vpname("strip", column = 2, row = 2, prefix = "plot2")
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
qqmath(~ gcsescore | factor(score), Chem97, groups = gender,
f.value = function(n) ppoints(100),
aspect = "xy",
page = function(n) {
cat("Click on plot to place legend", fill = TRUE)
ll <- grid.locator(unit = "npc")
if (!is.null(ll))
vp = viewport(x = ll$x, y = ll$y),
draw = TRUE)
state <- data.frame(state.x77, state.region)
xyplot(Murder ~ Life.Exp | state.region, data = state,
layout = c(2, 2), type = c("p", "g"), subscripts = TRUE)
while (!is.null(fp <- trellis.focus())) {
if (fp$col > 0 & fp$row > 0)
panel.identify(labels = rownames(state))
qqmath(~ (1000 * Population / Area), state,
ylab = "Population Density (per square mile)",
xlab = "Standard Normal Quantiles",
scales = list(y = list(log = TRUE, at = 10^(0:3))))
do.call(panel.qqmathline, trellis.panelArgs())
panel.identify.qqmath(labels = row.names(state))
env <- environmental
env$ozone <- env$ozone^(1/3)
splom(env, pscales = 0, col = "grey")
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1, highlight = FALSE)
panel.link.splom(pch = 16, col = "black")
state$name <- with(state,
reorder(reorder(factor(rownames(state)), Frost),
dotplot(name ~ Frost | reorder(state.region, Frost), data = state,
layout = c(1, 4), scales = list(y = list(relation="free")))
heights <-
function(i) {
trellis.focus("panel", column = 1, row = i,
highlight = FALSE)
h <- diff(current.panel.limits()$ylim)
par.settings = list(layout.heights = list(panel = heights)))
panel.hypotrochoid <- function(r, d, cycles = 10, density = 30)
if (missing(r)) r <- runif(1, 0.25, 0.75)
if (missing(d)) d <- runif(1, 0.25 * r, r)
t <- 2 * pi * seq(0, cycles, by = 1/density)
x <- (1 - r) * cos(t) + d * cos((1 - r) * t / r)
y <- (1 - r) * sin(t) - d * sin((1 - r) * t / r)
panel.lines(x, y)
panel.hypocycloid <- function(x, y, cycles = x, density = 30) {
panel.hypotrochoid(r = x / y, d = x / y,
cycles = cycles, density = density)
prepanel.hypocycloid <- function(x, y) {
list(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1))
grid <- data.frame(p = 11:30, q = 10)
grid$k <- with(grid, factor(p / q))
xyplot(p ~ q | k, grid, aspect = 1, scales = list(draw = FALSE),
prepanel = prepanel.hypocycloid, panel = panel.hypocycloid)
p <- xyplot(c(-1, 1) ~ c(-1, 1), aspect = 1, cycles = 15,
scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "", ylab = "",
panel = panel.hypotrochoid)
p[rep(1, 42)]
prepanel.ls <- function(x, n = 50, ...) {
fit <- logspline(x)
xx <- do.breaks(range(x), n)
yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit)
list(ylim = c(0, max(yy)))
panel.ls <- function(x, n = 50, ...) {
fit <- logspline(x)
xx <- do.breaks(range(x), n)
yy <- dlogspline(xx, fit)
panel.lines(xx, yy, ...)
faithful$Eruptions <- equal.count(faithful$eruptions, 4)
densityplot(~ waiting | Eruptions, data = faithful,
prepanel = prepanel.ls, panel = panel.ls)
panel.bwtufte <- function(x, y, coef = 1.5, ...) {
x <- as.numeric(x); y <- as.numeric(y)
ux <- sort(unique(x))
blist <- tapply(y, factor(x, levels = ux), boxplot.stats,
coef = coef, do.out = FALSE)
blist.stats <- t(sapply(blist, "[[", "stats"))
blist.out <- lapply(blist, "[[", "out")
panel.points(y = blist.stats[, 3], x = ux, pch = 16, ...)
panel.segments(x0 = rep(ux, 2),
y0 = c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
x1 = rep(ux, 2),
y1 = c(blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 4]),
data(Chem97, package = "mlmRev")
bwplot(gcsescore^2.34 ~ gender | factor(score), Chem97,
panel = panel.bwtufte, layout = c(6, 1),
ylab = "Transformed GCSE score")
data(Cars93, package = "MASS")
cor.Cars93 <-
cor(Cars93[, !sapply(Cars93, is.factor)], use = "pair")
ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(cor.Cars93))))
panel.corrgram <-
function(x, y, z, subscripts, at,
level = 0.9, label = FALSE, ...)
require("ellipse", quietly = TRUE)
x <- as.numeric(x)[subscripts]
y <- as.numeric(y)[subscripts]
z <- as.numeric(z)[subscripts]
zcol <- level.colors(z, at = at, ...)
for (i in seq(along = z)) {
ell <- ellipse(z[i], level = level, npoints = 50,
scale = c(.2, .2), centre = c(x[i], y[i]))
panel.polygon(ell, col = zcol[i], border = zcol[i], ...)
if (label)
panel.text(x = x, y = y, lab = 100 * round(z, 2), cex = 0.8,
col = ifelse(z < 0, "white", "black"))
levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 20),
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, colorkey = list(space = "top"),
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
panel = panel.corrgram, label = TRUE)
panel.corrgram.2 <-
function(x, y, z, subscripts, at = pretty(z), scale = 0.8, ...)
require("grid", quietly = TRUE)
x <- as.numeric(x)[subscripts]
y <- as.numeric(y)[subscripts]
z <- as.numeric(z)[subscripts]
zcol <- level.colors(z, at = at, ...)
for (i in seq(along = z))
lims <- range(0, z[i])
tval <- 2 * base::pi *
seq(from = lims[1], to = lims[2], by = 0.01)
grid.polygon(x = x[i] + .5 * scale * c(0, sin(tval)),
y = y[i] + .5 * scale * c(0, cos(tval)),
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(fill = zcol[i]))
grid.circle(x = x[i], y = y[i], r = .5 * scale,
default.units = "native")
levelplot(cor.Cars93[ord, ord], xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
at = do.breaks(c(-1.01, 1.01), 101),
panel = panel.corrgram.2,
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
colorkey = list(space = "top"),
col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue")))
panel.3d.contour <-
function(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
nlevels = 20, zlim.scaled, ...)
add.line <- trellis.par.get("add.line")
panel.3dwire(x, y, z, rot.mat, distance,
zlim.scaled = zlim.scaled, ...)
clines <-
contourLines(x, y, matrix(z, nrow = length(x), byrow = TRUE),
nlevels = nlevels)
for (ll in clines) {
m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(ll$x, ll$y, zlim.scaled[2]),
rot.mat, distance)
panel.lines(m[1,], m[2,], col = add.line$col,
lty = add.line$lty, lwd = add.line$lwd)
wireframe(volcano, zlim = c(90, 250), nlevels = 10,
aspect = c(61/87, .3), panel.aspect = 0.6,
panel.3d.wireframe = "panel.3d.contour", shade = TRUE,
screen = list(z = 20, x = -60))
county.map <- map("county", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
data(ancestry, package = "latticeExtra")
ancestry <- subset(ancestry, !duplicated(county))
rownames(ancestry) <- ancestry$county
freq <- table(ancestry$top)
keep <- names(freq)[freq > 10]
ancestry$mode <-
factor(ifelse(top %in% keep, top, "Other")))
modal.ancestry <- ancestry[county.map$names, "mode"]
colors <- brewer.pal(n = nlevels(ancestry$mode), name = "Pastel1")
xyplot(y ~ x, county.map, aspect = "iso",
scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "", ylab = "",
par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col = "transparent")),
col = colors[modal.ancestry], border = NA,
panel = panel.polygon,
key =
list(text = list(levels(modal.ancestry), adj = 1),
rectangles = list(col = colors),
x = 1, y = 0, corner = c(1, 0)))
rad <- function(x) { pi * x / 180 }
county.map$xx <- with(county.map, cos(rad(x)) * cos(rad(y)))
county.map$yy <- with(county.map, sin(rad(x)) * cos(rad(y)))
county.map$zz <- with(county.map, sin(rad(y)))
panel.3dpoly <- function (x, y, z, rot.mat = diag(4), distance, ...)
m <- ltransform3dto3d(rbind(x, y, z), rot.mat, distance)
panel.polygon(x = m[1, ], y = m[2, ], ...)
aspect <-
c(diff(range(yy, na.rm = TRUE)),
diff(range(zz, na.rm = TRUE))) /
diff(range(xx, na.rm = TRUE)))
cloud(zz ~ xx * yy, county.map, par.box = list(col = "grey"),
aspect = aspect, panel.aspect = 0.6, lwd = 0.01,
panel.3d.cloud = panel.3dpoly, col = colors[modal.ancestry],
screen = list(z = 10, x = -30),
key = list(text = list(levels(modal.ancestry), adj = 1),
rectangles = list(col = colors),
space = "top", columns = 4),
scales = list(draw = FALSE), zoom = 1.1,
xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "")
rng <- with(USCancerRates,
range(rate.male, rate.female, finite = TRUE))
nbreaks <- 50
breaks <- exp(do.breaks(log(rng), nbreaks))
mapplot(rownames(USCancerRates) ~ rate.male + rate.female,
data = USCancerRates, breaks = breaks,
map = map("county", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
projection = "tetra"),
scales = list(draw = FALSE), xlab = "",
main = "Average yearly deaths due to cancer per 100000")
xyplot(sunspot.year, aspect = "xy",
strip = FALSE, strip.left = TRUE,
cut = list(number = 4, overlap = 0.05))
data(biocAccess, package = "latticeExtra")
ssd <- stl(ts(biocAccess$counts[1:(24 * 30 * 2)], frequency = 24),
xyplot(ssd, xlab = "Time (Days)")
data(GvHD, package = "flowCore")
densityplot(Visit ~ `FSC-H` | Patient, data = GvHD)
hexbinplot(Hemoglobin ~ TIBC | Sex, data = NHANES, aspect = 0.8)
panel.piechart <-
function(x, y, labels = as.character(y),
edges = 200, radius = 0.8, clockwise = FALSE,
init.angle = if(clockwise) 90 else 0,
density = NULL, angle = 45,
col = superpose.polygon$col,
border = superpose.polygon$border,
lty = superpose.polygon$lty, ...)
superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (panel.number() > 1) par(new = TRUE)
par(fig = gridFIG(), omi = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
pie(as.numeric(x), labels = labels, edges = edges, radius = radius,
clockwise = clockwise, init.angle = init.angle, angle = angle,
density = density, col = col, border = border, lty = lty)
piechart <- function(x, data = NULL, panel = "panel.piechart", ...)
ocall <- sys.call(sys.parent())
ocall[[1]] <- quote(piechart)
ccall <- match.call()
ccall$data <- data
ccall$panel <- panel
ccall$default.scales <- list(draw = FALSE)
ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::barchart)
ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
ans$call <- ocall
par(new = TRUE)
piechart(VADeaths, groups = FALSE, xlab = "")